Middlesex United Methodist Church
Monday, October 21, 2024
Making Disciples - Transforming the World

Our Mission and Vision

Jesus commissions us to "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."  - Matthew 28:19-20
What is a disciple?  It is one who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, believes he died on the cross for our sins and who says "Yes, here I am Lord" when Jesus says "Follow Me."  It is a constant process that encourages new believers and mature followers to continually seek to grow closer to the full likeness of Christ.  And through God's grace, it is our honor to share this love with everyone so that more disciples are made.
We strive to live out being a disciple by following an intentional, organic process of Plug In, Charge-Up and Share and Shine.  Plugging in is finding a way to connected with Christ and build relationships with other believers by finding a point of entry to a life group or service opportunity.  Charging Up is a next step, with intention, we dig deeper into our faith journey with spiritual disciplines.  And Sharing and Shining is where we witness, demonstrate and sacrifice to reveal Christ's love.
Here at MUMC it is our vision to be Alive in Christ in our Community so that our Community is Alive in Christ.  We are focused on specific goals in order to achieve this vision.  To be an intentional presence in our community committing to these 3 areas of focus:  deepening our relationship and influence with Middlesex Elementary School, establishing a relationship and growing our presence with at risk children and families in 3 local mobile home parks, and building our momentum of witness and service to Community Cares, our local emergency homeless shelter.
If you want to learn more about the many ways we embody this mission and vision visit us anytime and talk with our staff about ways that you can Plug in, Charge Up and Share and Shine to partner with us in being a positive influence on our community and our world.